It’s a shining precursor to the day’s first cup of coffee. With this in mind, one time-honored Southern room-type makes a perfect model for the design of a bathroom – the sleeping porch. In historic Southern houses, the sleeping porch was traditionally located off a major bedroom and served as an escape from the oppressive heat of humid summer nights. These airy refuges were conventionally glazed by a band of operable windows. When the windows were all opened, the terrarium basically became a breezy cricket cage for sweaty, sleepy somnambulists. One functional problem arises, however, with transforming these little solariums into dressing rooms – the lack of wall space to hang vanity mirrors. One solution we’ve come up with is to actually hang or suspend a mirror in front of the window wall. With the abundance of light inherent in a design of this type, a little blockage is not a detriment and the “make-do” look adds to the retrofit feel of these rooms. Thus, the traditional sleeping room becomes a “waking room”, perfectly set up for the secret exhibitionist that dwells in all of us.
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Love, love, love the look. And speaking of how things look, how do you treat the back side of the mirror so that from the outside it is not an eyesore?
Sandra (Hat Lady)
Simple. We usually just wall paper or upholster the backside of the mirror.