collaborative efforts: bob vardaman, party maker

July 17th 2014 Comments: 2 Topics:

While treading the design path, we meet and collaborate with a lot of creative folk. We get the grand opportunity to work hand-in-hand with other architects, interior designers, landscape architects, artists – the list is virtually endless.
IMG_0751_HDR - Version 2-(ZF-2674-19717-1-002)One important person, though, to always have handy in your Rolodex (sorry, I’m showing my age) is a fabulous party planner. Our speed-dial-go-to is Bob Vardaman – and I know we’re not alone in that fact.

Bob Vardaman Events Manager (actually he’s just Bob to us) posseses a bewitching touch.  He can turn any party into a spectacular event so enchanting that even the most jaded guests seem to talk about it for months to come.  His celebratory pendulum is broad swinging  It sweeps from the a traditionally elegant and graceful Southern dinner to a raucous and bawdy circus.  He’s equally comfortable in seersucker and orchids as he is in leather and fire.  His festival orchestrations are consistently magnificent and we always enjoy attending one of his social shindigs.  And, he’s a really nice guy to boot.

Bob has also just published a new book showcasing some of his soirees.  Bob Vardaman Party Maker is an excellent reference book for even the most avid fete fetishist.

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Greg Tankersley for McAlpine Tankersley


  1. Bob Vardaman says:

    Thank you, Greg. I will gladly add “Fete Fetishist” to my job description. Enjoy the party!

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