The city of Athens has always been one of my “bucket list” items. How can one possibly call oneself an true architect without having ever set foot on the iconic Acropolis? Unfortunately, my knowledge of the Parthenon heretofore was relegated to architecture school history slide shows (most of which I unfortunately slept through) and faded pictures hanging on the walls of Greek dining dives. I was wholly unprepared for the overwhelming majesty of this consequential monument. Raised high on a platform above the scape of dense urban litter, this crumbling noble collection of sacred structures stands as proud beacon to the city’s past. Ghosts of ancient designers past were ever present at my back.
Gathered in this classic locale, we discussed our respective artistic professions and shared experience, strengths and weaknesses. Egos were lowered (a feat for designers, I know) and the collective became much more important than the individual. Our illustrious group listened, talked and dined over the three day event and, even though well past college age, we had a terrific toga party.
A warm ευχαριστώ (translation: thank you) to our host city. Your venerable beauty held us strong. buoyed us and allowed our intrepid group an opportunity to look forward.
After our summit ended, a small group of us jetted to Egypt and boarded a boat to sail up the Nile. Next week’s post will journal that incredible journey.
Greg Tankersley for McAlpine Tankersley
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The architecture of ancient Greece is truly fabulous. One certainly feels the serene presence of master architects from generations past….
I took an ‘Architecture History’ class in college and loved studying all about the architecture of ancient Greece. Great post! I loved the photos a lot!
Beautiful images studied in Yale Roman Architecutre course. Interesting that there is also amazing roman architecture in Greece.