Ryan Moss
All things great are wound up with all things little.
The seventh of ten children, Ryan has had a constant appreciation for historic and traditional homes. During a year long break from the University of Tennessee, Ryan traveled to Charleston for his first solo vacation and met a builder who would take him on his first trip abroad to Rome, and later introduced him to neoclassical architect, Randolph Martz. Ryan worked for Randolph during breaks from school and after graduation producing working drawings for additions and renovations to existing historic buildings plus single family residences in Charleston and the surrounding Low Country. Ryan later attended the Georgia Institute of Technology and earned his Master of Science in Classical Design. Upon graduation Ryan was invited to work on classical and traditional architecture in various parts of China. After four years in China, Ryan returned to Nashville to set up a permanent home base. Several years prior, Ryan had a chance meeting with Ray Booth in Nashville that lead to him joining McALPINE. Ryan spends his free time wondering how much it will cost to renovate his home, playing tennis, gardening, tending to feral porch cats, spending time with close friends and planning his next travel adventure.